mcam 2015 MCAutomiton-BONUS

Created Friday 20 December 2024
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MCDarkly: Mekanism Processing

This is a somewhat compact setup to show off the ultimate ore processing in MCDarkly. It follows a specific order, so I’ll do my best to walk you through it.

Step 1: Chemical Oxidizer

The process starts with the Chemical Oxidizer, which converts sulfur into a gas that can be carried by pressurized tubes to the next machine.

Step 2: Chemical Infuser

The sulfur gas is then imported into the Chemical Infuser, but it won’t do anything without Oxygen.

Step 3: Electrolytic Separator

This machine is easy to make and requires water to be pumped in. When water pumps in, it splits up into Hydrogen (which can be used to fuel jetpacks) and Oxygen. The Oxygen is then sent to the Chemical Infuser with the Sulfur gas, allowing the machine to start producing what’s needed for the next steps.

Step 4: Rotary Condensentrator

A Rotary Condensentrator filled with nearly endless water is used to produce another gas, Water Vapor, which is then pushed into a different Chemical Infuser.

Step 5: Final Chemical Infuser

This Chemical Infuser takes the final product from the first Chemical Infuser and Water Vapor from the Rotary Condensentrator, producing a chemical (gas) that breaks down the ore to be processed.

Ore Processing

The previous gas is used in this machine, where ore can be placed manually or automatically. The ore is then washed and crystalized into a new crystal, which can be used for further processing.

Final Processing Steps

The final steps involve a series of machines: 1. Chemical Injection Chamber: Requires a gas tank with Hydrogen Chloride. 2. Purification Chamber: Requires a gas tank with Oxygen. 3. Crusher 4. Enrichment Chamber 5. Smelter

All these machines require power, which can be supplied using EnderIO basic conduits powered by bio-reactors from Mekanism.

Note: If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact LightningZBolt for additional guidance.

Liquid Storage

Here is one way you can store your liquids (or gasses) efficiently if you have a lot of fluids/gas to store and drums or Thermal Expansion tanks just don’t suffice anymore.

Mekanisim’s Dynamic Tanks:

L –> R: Destabilized Redstone, Liquid Force, Lava, Gelid Cryotheum

Mekanisim Introduces a new fluid storage system called Volume. Now you may be used to Milibuckets (mB) and thankfully you don’t have to change that. Just note each Volume is 16mB. So its almost like compact storage for various fluids and gasses. Plus this helps you calculate how much you will need to fill a tank. 2+ Drums of a single fluid seems to get the job done for a 3x3x5 structure as seen in the image above.

You can make the tanks bigger as you please, they are a multiblock structure so they follow a very easy and simple design. Outline your tank with the block Dynamic Tank, and feel free to add Dynamic Glass in the center only (not on the corners or sides) to view your storage. Be sure to add at least 2 Dynamic Valves for input and output. Be sure not to place valves on the outside corners (outline of the structure itself.) You’ll know when you’ve completed the structure when you see red sparkles emit from your new dynamic tank. If you don’t see the sparkles, you can always check by interacting with the tank itself and if a GUI pops up, then you’re golden. If all else fails, come back here to view the example build, or simple check out Mekanisim’s Wiki. The link is on my Mod Authors page.

Dynamos & Force Engines

This post is just to show off the various fluids (gases) as well as coolennts, in action.


Steam Dynamos can now take Netherack and Emery from Emasher’s Resource as fuel! Magmatic Dynamos accept Nether Plasma as fuel. Compression Dynamos vary from different fluids as well as gasses from Gascraft, so be sure to try them all out to see what works best (sorry no spoilers on this one, what’s the fun?) Reactant Dynamos are fully ‘reactant’ with all gasses and Liquid Ender. They all take the same solid fuel but that’s okay.

Hint: All dynamos can produce a maximum of 80RF p/t so it shouldn’t matter too much what dynamo you use, but the Reactant and Magmatic are the most preferred when supplying steady energy for your base.

Force Engines:

Force engines still produce MJs so keep in mind they will not connect to Redstone conduits from Thermal Expansion. I use Conduits from EnderIO because they are very universal. Which reminds me..Universal Cables don’t work with engines as well..

Note: MJ to RF is just adding 0’s! 1MJ = 10RF, 100MJ = 1,000RF

Hint: Force Engines do not blow up when a coolant is not provided. However they will not produce energy as efficiently. Also the max MJ p/t they can push out is 32, so 320RF p/t. Not bad but still, could be better. I’ll leave it up to you to figure out what liquids and gasses work the best to get the most out of your engines!

Engine Cooling

I think it’s best to start off with showing off the new coolants for Dynamos and Engines.

L –> R: Water, Nutrient Water, Slickwater, Milk, Cryotheum

Water is the normal coolant and possibly the easiest to use. Nutrient and Slickwater are exactly the same as water only slightly harder to obtain depending on how you do things. Milk is a better choice when compared to the ones already mentioned, however it is/can be more tedious to obtain. Lastly is Cryotheum, the best coolant there is by far in this pack. It lasts long even off one single bucket! Since you can now craft Blizz rods, it is ironically the most efficient and steady way to cool your engines or dynamos. more so because, you can automate it!

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